namely Homosexuality, Transsexuality and Transvestism are really three separate patterns because they have three seperate underlying motivations and needs to be filled and each is probably the result of a sep- erate group of causative factors...thus the TV or the HS who thinks he sees the ultimate in the TS position is doing just as Susanna said, creating a "monster mirage" The energy and single mindedness which the pseudo expends to keep this mirage "blown up" and in good repair both to himself and to others is really amazing. For the true TS this is understand- able for it is an escape from an untenable life sit- uation. But the pseudo TS is just as positive and determined...perhaps even more so because I'm sure there is a good bit of self delusion which must be sustained too. Any weakening, any inclination to listen to the siren song of those who would talk him out of his contemplated "deathless suicide" would destroy the whole beautiful creation leaving only a sort of psychological nothingness where the wonder- ful mirage had been.
So the burden of this editorial as with Susanna's column is to try to catch some of you before you have created this beautiful but monstrous mirage for your- selves which must be maintained at any price..right up to and including the first incision by the doctors scalpel. Try to see in your TVism, your Femmiphilia (love of the feminine) to use my word, that which can add much to your total life experience when kept within reasonable limits. Neither life style - mas- culine or feminine is a bed of roses. Each has satisfactions and problems characteristic of itself so why jump out of the frying pan into the fire? Rather, you can multiply your total life experience by adding to what you already have. You can exper- ience the femininity that is in you..the womaly part of you in many ways, in addition to your manliness. They need not be mutually exclusive but you must recognize the possibility and seek to achieve it as it will not come automatically. Neither, ironically, would it come automatically after surgery. Gender